Education Day 2023 Tema Foundation Education Day 2023 Tema Foundation

Education Day 2023: Dr. Deborah Norris - Family Matters Research Group


The Tema Foundation is pleased to welcome Dr. Deborah Norris to present at Education Day 2023: Community, Connection and Caring: Strategies for Building Resilience and Wellness.

Meet Dr. Deborah Norris

Holding undergraduate and graduate degrees in Family Science, Dr. Norris is a professor in the Department of Family Studies and Gerontology at Mount Saint Vincent University. She has developed and taught many family science courses in that program, including a course focusing on military and veteran families. 

Informed by ecological theory and critical theory, Dr. Norris’ research program is applied, collaborative, and interdisciplinary. She has facilitated studies focusing on the everyday lives of female military partners experiencing the cycle of deployment, resilience(y) in military and veteran families, the bi-directional relationship between operational stress injuries and the mental health and well-being of veteran families, and family psychoeducation programs for military and veteran families. Recently, as a member of the Families Matter Research Group (FMRG), her research program has expanded to include an emphasis on the impacts of operational stress on the families of public service personnel. 

Dr. Norris’ military and veteran family research program was recognized through her designation as a Fellow with the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR) in 2017. 

Learn with Dr. Deborah Norris at Education day 2023: Family Matters Research Group

The Families Matter Research Group is the primary pathway for leading research dedicated to improving the health and well-being of those connected to high-risk occupations, with a focus on the families of military, veteran, and public safety personnel. These families are shaped by occupational risks and requirements of those jobs, and they face unique challenges related to logistics, exposure to risk, mobility, and relating to the broader community.

We are building a network to engage with families and organizations to connect them to evidence-based supports and those who study, serve, and support them.



MAY 17, 2023


Presented by:


The Tema Foundation is proud to present a full day of education, networking, and skill-building that focuses on making mental health healthier. This in-person event features keynote speakers who have dedicated their time and energy to helping those who keep us healthy & safe.

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Education Day 2023 Tema Foundation Education Day 2023 Tema Foundation

Education Day 2023: Gary O'Toole and Shelley Rowan: Updates from WCB and LSI

The Tema Foundation is pleased to welcome Gary O'Toole, Senior Executive Director,  Safety Branch, Labour, Skills and Immigration and Shelley Rowan, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia to present at Education Day 2023: Community, Connection and Caring: Strategies for Building Resilience and Wellness.

Meet Gary O’Toole, Senior Executive Director,  Safety Branch - Labour, Skills and Immigration

Gary holds a Master’s Degree in Leadership from Royal Roads University and has spent more than 20 years in public service leading the development and maintenance of inspection and monitoring programs and services aimed at protecting and promoting health. His work includes the implementation of a wide range of legislation – from tobacco control, to tanning bed use and body art, to workers compensation and occupational health and safety. 

Most recently, Gary led the development of Nova Scotia Health’s COVID-19 vaccine program operations, mobilizing the public health workforce to successfully deliver the largest vaccine effort in Nova Scotia’s history.  Currently, Gary leads the Safety Branch with Nova Scotia’s department of Labour, Skills and Immigration where he is focused on a range of workplace safety and technical safety activities that keep Nova Scotians safe where they work, live and play.

Meet Shelley Rowan, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia

Shelley Rowan is a passionate safety champion who has played a pivotal role in developing and delivering comprehensive strategies to strengthen Nova Scotia’s prevention and return to work approaches.

Shelley currently serves WCB Nova Scotia as Interim Chief Executive Officer, leading the organization toward the achievement of its strategic plan and priorities. Shelley’s 25-year career with the WCB spans a number of leadership roles across the organization, including Vice President, People and Strategy and Vice President, Prevention and Service Delivery. Shelley has also served as a Director within the WCB’s Service Delivery and Communications and Marketing teams.

Shelley’s career in public service has spanned a number of assignments, from federal crown corporations to regional health authorities.

Shelley is also an active volunteer in her community and has served on the Board of Governors of the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety.

Learn with Gary and Shelley at Education Day 2023: Updates from WCB and LSI

In this session Shelley Rowan, Interim CEO, WCB Nova Scotia and Gary O’Toole, Senior Executive Director for the Safety Branch, Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration will talk about how their organizations are supporting psychologically safe workplaces and developing programs, tools and resources to support first responders’ mental health.



MAY 17, 2023


Presented by:


The Tema Foundation is proud to present a full day of education, networking, and skill-building that focuses on making mental health healthier. This in-person event features keynote speakers who have dedicated their time and energy to helping those who keep us healthy & safe.

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Education Day 2023 Tema Foundation Education Day 2023 Tema Foundation

Education Day 2023: Colleen Kamps - Crisis and Opportunity


The Tema Foundation is pleased to welcome Colleen Kamps to present at Education Day 2023: Community, Connection and Caring: Strategies for Building Resilience and Wellness.

Meet Colleen Kamps, MA, CYC (Registered Psychotherapist)

Colleen is a licensed psychotherapist with over 40 years of clinical experience across a variety of settings including inpatient and outpatient mental health, crisis intervention, specialized trauma programs, education, and private practice. She also provides clinical consultation, training, and supervision to professionals and agencies in the helping field. Additionally, Colleen teaches at Centennial College, Toronto Metropolitan University, and Simon Fraser University. 

Colleen is the Education, Training, and Curriculum Development Coordinator at the Tema Foundation. Since 2019, she has co-developed a Mental Health & Wellness in the Workplace training curriculum for St. John Ambulance, Canada; co-created the PPE for Your Mind four-part educational video series for those working the Frontlines; co-developed a 15-micro credential program called Open Mind: Mental Health and Wellness for Frontline Professionals for Humber College; and created a 5-week mental health and wellness course for Journalists students at Humber College. 

Her passion, commitment, and dedication to helping others are what keep her striving forward to make life easier for those who need support.

Learn With Colleen Kamps at Education Day 2023: Crisis and Opportunity

Dealing with a crisis can be challenging, but it can be even more difficult when you are in a crisis yourself. We have to remember that it is okay to take a step back and focus on your own needs during a crisis. Prioritizing your own self-care can help you to manage the crisis more effectively and be a source of support for others.  

This workshop will focus on practical skills and strategies that can help build your capacity to function to your best ability, regardless of what is going on around you. The more proactive we can be at addressing the challenges around us the greater the possibility of harnessing our inner strength that helps ensure resiliency.  



MAY 17, 2023


Presented by:


The Tema Foundation is proud to present a full day of education, networking, and skill-building that focuses on making mental health healthier. This in-person event features keynote speakers who have dedicated their time and energy to helping those who keep us healthy & safe.

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Education Day 2023 Tema Foundation Education Day 2023 Tema Foundation

Education Day 2023: Capt. Jon Nicholson - Resiliency and Mental Health During Deployment

The Tema Foundation is pleased to welcome Commander Jon Nicholson to present at Education Day 2023: Community, Connection and Caring: Strategies for Building Resilience and Wellness.

Meet Captian Jon P. Nicholson, CD

Captain Jon Nicholson grew up in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada, and attended Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick, where he obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts (Classics) in 1998. In 2000, he joined the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) as a Naval Warfare Officer (NWO). 

In 2001, he was posted to his first ship, HMCS Montréal, where during his 3 year posting he participated in a High Readiness program that included a deployment to the Arabian Gulf in 2002 on Operation APOLLO, where he obtained his Major Warship Bridge Watchkeeping Certificate (BWK). In 2005, he was posted to HMCS Iroquois as the Shipborne Air Controller (SAC) Officer for a period of 2 years, and deployed on Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR to the Baltic and Mediterranean Seas. 

Capt. Nicholson was then posted to the Canadian Forces Naval Operations School in 2007, where he served as the lead SAC Instructor.  Following this opportunity, he qualified as an Operations Room Officer (ORO) in 2010 and was posted to HMCS Winnipeg in Victoria, British Columbia, as the Weapons Officer. He immediately proceeded on several domestic operations including the interception of the MV Sun Sea. Shortly afterwards, he was designated as the Combat Officer and led a robust Force Generation programme which included important Force Development sea trials. 

In June 2012, he joined the 1st Canadian Division in Kingston, Ontario, as the lead Plans Officer for the Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) Team. He subsequently was assigned as the Exercise Director for Exercise ARGONAUT in 2015 and 2016, a multi-national annual NEO training event held in Larnaca, Cyrpus. Subsequently, he was selected to be the Executive Assistant to the Commander 1st Canadian Division, where he was awarded a Commander’s Commendation. 

In 2016, he attended the Joint Command and Staff Program (JCSP) at the Canadian Forces College (CFC) in Toronto, Ontario, where he obtained a Master’s Degree in Defence Studies (MDS). Afterwards, he was posted to the Command Staff of the RCN where he managed the Navy’s Quarterly Report. Following that, in 2018 he was selected to be the Executive Assistant to the Deputy Commander of the RCN.

Capt. Nicholson assumed duties as the Executive Officer of HMCS Halifax in January 2020, where he completed a full tiered-readiness program leading to a deployment on Operation REASSURANCE in January 2021. 

In July 2021, Capt. Nicholson assumed command of HMCS St. John’s where he is currently leading a diverse team through a busy tiered-readiness program in order to prepare the ship for deployed operation in support of Canadian objectives.

Capt. Nicholson currently resides in Spryfield, Nova Scotia, with his beautiful wife Sara and their sons, Erik and Seth. 

Learn with Captain Jon P. Nicholson, CD at Education Day 2023

Capt. Jon Nicholson, along with CPO1 Matt Boniface and Capt. Christopher Rochon, will discuss how they worked to build resiliency and maintain the mental health of their crew while being deployed on Operation REASSURANCE for standing NATO Maritime Group in Northern Europe. 



MAY 17, 2023


Presented by:


The Tema Foundation is proud to present a full day of education, networking, and skill-building that focuses on making mental health healthier. This in-person event features keynote speakers who have dedicated their time and energy to helping those who keep us healthy & safe.

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Education Day 2023 Tema Foundation Education Day 2023 Tema Foundation

Education Day 2023: CP01 Matt Boniface - Resiliency and Mental Health During Deployment


The Tema Foundation is pleased to welcome Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Matt Boniface, MSM, CD to present at Education Day 2023: Community, Connection and Caring: Strategies for Building Resilience and Wellness.

Meet Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Matt Boniface, MSM, CD

Growing up in southern Ontario, CPO1 Matt Boniface enrolled in the CAF Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in August 1992 as a Naval Electronics Technician.  On completion of recruit training at CFB Cornwallis, he completed the Naval Combat System Technician Training Programme in St. John’s, NL and was posted to Halifax, NS to begin his naval career.

After a brief stint at Fleet Maintenance Group (Atlantic), he commenced a regular rotation of naval deployments and shore postings on the East Coast which lasted until 2018.  During this time he served in HMC Ships Fredericton and Toronto, deploying twice on each and later deploying in HMCS Halifax on Op HESTIA and in HMCS Charlottetown as the Combat Systems Engineering Chief during Op REASSURANCE.

Ashore, he worked to support the Fleet, acting at 5th Maritime Operations Group as an In-Service Support Coordinator and the Senior Naval Electronics Technician for East Coast Minor War Vessels.  At the Naval Engineering School in Halifax, he worked both as an instructor and later as the Training Support Division Chief, where he was responsible for the support of over 500 students as well as Infrastructure, Safety and IT operations.  During this time he was selected as Coxswain of the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo, where he supervised CAF personnel involved in this multi-national event.

Following his tour in HMCS Charlottetown he worked in the HQ of Joint Personnel Support Unit NS-NL as the Region CPO, supporting a geographically disparate team to provide integrated, multi-disciplinary support to ill and injured service members across the two provinces.  Upon promotion to CPO1 he was posted to Director Naval Requirements as a Project Director in the field of Unmanned Aerial Systems, after which he was appointed Coxswain of HMCS Halifax and deployed once again on Op REASSURANCE in 2021.

After returning from deployment, he was nominated to the NCM Executive Professional Development Programme at RMC where he completed a Certificate of Advanced Military Studies.  He subsequently was appointed back to the CAF Transition Group as the Formation  CPO1, where he humbly serves to this day.  He is supported in this by his ever-patient wife Michelle and his two sons, Zachary and Simon.

Learn with CPo1 Boniface at Education Day 2023

CPO1 Matt Boniface, along with Capt. Christopher Rochon and Capt. Jon Nicholson, will discuss how they worked to build resiliency and maintain the mental health of their crew while being deployed on Operation REASSURANCE for standing NATO Maritime Group in Northern Europe. 



MAY 17, 2023


Presented by:


The Tema Foundation is proud to present a full day of education, networking, and skill-building that focuses on making mental health healthier. This in-person event features keynote speakers who have dedicated their time and energy to helping those who keep us healthy & safe.

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