Dr. Duncan Shields

Dr. Duncan Shields is a Psychologist and Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at UBC where he co-founded the NGO, ‘Blueprint’, to work with military and first responder organizations researching and developing evidence-based programs to enhance member resiliency and well-being. As part of this work, Duncan co-developed the First Responder Resiliency Program which provides evidence-based training and support to first responders in Canada and Australia. Duncan has taught inclusion-based leadership and cultural change to executive teams at HSBC, multiple first responder organizations and at Westpoint Military Academy, and is currently researching the inter-relationship between inclusive organizational cultures, performance and employee well-being within specialized units of the Canadian and Australian militaries. Duncan has published multiple articles, book chapters and technical reports, and has been invited to present his work in six countries. He is the recipient of a number of awards and honours for his research and service.